From Ghana Accra west Mission
Welcome to personal site of Oweka Bob Patrick and his testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ through prophet Joseph smith, I believed that learning from brother Bob's testimony will help your testimony grow, i hope you have peace and greater happiness as we are passing through this trying monments of these last days.

Missionary work is devine and true!
One of the best experience i have ever had is knowing who you are and your purpose in life, Being a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints has improved my life and my experience. Growing up from poligamy family and being mistreated by step mothers was something which i will never forget becouse it has tought me a big lesson in life. Please follow my blog for my complite stories and mission experience.

Gospel of Jesus Christ bless lives!
I am inviting you to come unto Christ and be perfected in him, deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and if ye shall deny yourself of ungodliness and repent of all your sins, ye shall have eternal life The restored Gospe of Jesus Christ is the true doctrine of Jesus Christ, Please follow me on my social media below to learn more about how this can bless your life and your family!